2025 Projection Calendar

Feb 5, 2025

2025 Content Calendar Overview

2025 Content Calendar Overview                                                                                       

April 25 - June 5           8:30-9:30pm
June 6 - Sep 7               9:00-9:30pm
Sep 11 - Dec 30             7:30-8:00pm

*4 nights a week, 1/2 hour per night Thursdays through Sundays

Friday, April 25 – Sunday, July 6. Experience Shana Moulton, the contemporary digital artist based in Santa Barbara, California. Shana is known for her colorful, playful video installations that focus on the female figure amidst mandala-like forms and patterns. This launch date aligns with the Friday of The One of a Kind Spring Show, Frieze/EXPO CHICAGO week, and kicks off the 2025 AOTM season! http://www.shanamoulton.info/ 

Thursday, May 22 – Sunday, June 1. Check out the next iteration of our popular partnership with Chicago Public Schools that has expanded to include work not only from CPS high school seniors but also from younger students with their teachers’ collaboration. https://www.cps.edu/sites/cpsa...

Spring Dates and title TBD Collaboration with School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Thursday, June 5 – Sunday, July 6. Perkins & Will in alignment with NeoCon will be on display. AOTM is again partnering with an architecture firm to present Currents, a work that explores constant movement and the dynamic and multifaceted flows within the urban context of Chicago, a city renowned for both its urban planning and architecture and access to natural resources like the Chicago River and Lake Michigan. The work illustrates how various streams—natural, human, and technological—converge to create the vibrant pulse of the city. https://perkinswill.com/studio...

Thursday, June 5 – Sunday, June 29. Pride special projection

Thursday, July 3 – Sunday, July 6. Independence Day special projection Thursday, July 10 – Sunday, September 7. Come see The Seldoms, a contemporary dance company based in Chicago and led by Artistic Director Carrie Hanson, comes to the AOTM platform in partnership with the Chicago Botanic Garden, with a new work called Superbloom. Superbloom premiered on the stage at Chicago’s Harris Theater last year and will be adapted as a video mapping project with all new choreography that highlights themes of climate change and the beauty of the natural world. https://www.theseldoms.org/

Thursday, July 10 – Sunday, September 7. Feast your eyes on Immaginarium: ORA, sponsored by the Consulate of Italy in Chicago. ORA is a new work by the Pisa-based studio Immaginarium who will make their U.S. debut on AOTM. In conjunction with the Seldom’s Superbloom on view at the same time, this piece will bring focus to climate challenges and help all to envision a more sustainable future. https://teatrosocialecomo.it/s...

Thursday, August 7 – Sunday, August 10. Take a Journey with Billiken. The annual presentation of a projection by Wills Glasspiegel that will be featured in alignment with Chicago’s famous Bud Billiken parade, celebrating the legacy and future of Black culture and creativity.
Fall Dates and title TBD Collaboration with the Chicago Stars

Thursday, September 11 – Sunday, November 30. Observe a mesmerizing world of abstract color and form that will maximize the technical potential of the platform by Faisal Anwar. A Toronto based artist of South Asian heritage known for his extravagant video installations on the façade of Canada’s Aga Khan Museum. AOTM is proud to bring Anwar’s work to the U.S. in alignment with his retrospective work at the South Asian Art Center of Chicago. https://faisalanwar.ca/ 

Thursday, December 4 – Sunday, December 28. Commemorate Arts of Life, this Chicago non-profit is celebrating 20 years of providing studio space and instruction for disabled artists and bringing their work into the mainstream art world with a new projection for AOTM. This compilation of artists’ works will be “stitched together” into a moving image work by a professional animator and video mapper to maximize the creative potential of the AOTM platform. https://artsoflife.org/