Marlena Novak and Jay Alan Yim

Eye Icon Icon of an eye with lashes, opened if the projection is on view; closed if projection is archived.




Eye Icon Icon of an eye with lashes, opened if the projection is on view; closed if projection is archived.



About the Work

A colorful underwater scene featuring coral is projected onto a large art deco building.

Choral was presented by localStyle, a collaborative founded in Amsterdam by artist Marlena Novak and composer Jay Alan Yim. Since 2000, Novak and Yim have addressed environmental concerns through a wide range of media, deploying tactics that trigger multiple senses so that audience members can experience and consequently re-examine our climate’s most pressing issues. In Novak and Yim’s audio visual installation, human impacts on the natural world are revealed through a diverse array of coral species while an otherworldly electronic choir drones in the background. These fragile coral ecosystems are in a state of crisis, and Novak and Yim hope that by witnessing the beauty and charisma of these marvelous creatures, audiences will have a greater appreciation for ocean conservation efforts.

Choral was co-promoted by the Shedd Aquarium.