Congrats, CPS Class of 2024

Jun 5, 2024

Seven CPS students stand in front of the Chicago Riverwalk
Seven CPS students stand in front of the Chicago Riverwalk

Hats off

We're beyond proud of all of this year's Chicago Public Schools grads, but we're especially in awe of the students whose art was selected for our May showcase. We sat down with the kids to discuss their artwork, their post-grad plans, what inspires them, and their favorite spots in the city. Take notes — there’s no test, but you’ll want to remember these names!

Left to right: Kevannah Berry, Amaru Alarcon, Sky Asamoah, Jesse You, Jackie Montanez, Gianna Christensen, and Lia Rodriguez. Not pictured: Camille Daley. 

Amaru Alarcon (he/him)

Amaru Alarcon, Self-Portrait, 2024.

Why did you first start making art? Mainly in school, by taking an art class.

What’s the most fun part of making art?
Seeing how it comes out once it’s done!

What's your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I like to go to art and neighborhood festivals.

Sky Asamoah (she/her)

A drawing of a Black girl with brown hair in long braids leaning on her hands in green grass dotted with mushrooms. The girl is wearing an off-the-shoulder pink gown and gazing into a black and violet starry night sky, featuring a golden galaxy and a large green planet with rings. Green, purple, and blue smaller planets dot the sky. At the top of the painting, the sky opens into a cloud of white, red, and yellow.

Sky Asamoah, Otherworld, 2024.

How did it feel when you found out your piece had been selected? It was a dream come true!

Can you tell us a bit about your piece that was selected for ART on THE MART?
The piece was part of my AP portfolio for drawing in which I explored escapism and spirituality. I am showing a sense of curiosity and wonder in a dream-like world where the character is looking up in the sky and seeing the Milky Way and wondering where her place is in the universe.

Kevannah Berry (she/they)

Kevannah Berry, Party Over, 2024.

How or why did you first start making art? I started doing photography in 2020 when Covid hit.

Do you plan to continue making art after graduation?
 I want to go to art school for fashion photography.

Who, or what, is your biggest inspiration?
My grandmother because she always believed in me, and believed that artwork could change people’s lives.

What's your biggest challenge as an artist?
Believing I’m good enough.

What’s the most fun part of making art?
Getting to inspire others.

What's your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
Go to art galleries!

Follow Kevannah on IG: @vannah_891

Gianna Christensen (she/they/he)

Gianna Christensen, Honey, I'm Home, 2024

Can you tell us a bit about your piece that was selected for ART on THE MART? This piece is the first, completely edited, and finished photograph of my career and I think it depicts exactly my art style; colorful, surreal, saturated, and relatively mundane subject matters. I didn't know much about photography until this year and it has quickly grown to be one of my favorite ways to express myself. Seeing as this is my first year with photography I am even more proud and grateful to be getting so much recognition from amazing people and programs; the support has motivated me even more to create as much art as I can.

What are your plans for after graduation?
I’m attending University of Illinois, Chicago; and majoring in Psychology.

Camille Daley (she/her)

Camille Daley, Bathroom Mirror, 2024.

Do you plan to continue making art after graduation? Yes! I'm planning on studying art at Reed College starting this fall. I'm hoping to find space to explore how the importance of artistry and creativity are undermined & overlooked in other studies.

Who is your biggest inspiration?
My sister. She's the most self-expressive person I know; confidence just comes really easily to her and I find it so inspiring. Art, for me, is the way I convey both what I don't express and what I can't express. Growing up with her showed me that everyone has an outlet: Everyone has a way of presenting a thought, an idea, and ultimately a self. She's illustrated to me how important it is to have confidence in your own outlet, and your own voice.

What's the most fun part of being an artist?
I think just being able to make things. Just being able to take an idea and turn it into something real. That's an ability we all have, and it so often goes unappreciated.

What's your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
Ugh. I love all of Chicago. I love our libraries, our parks, our museums... I can't pick just one thing. I'm going to miss living here so, so much when I move for college this fall.

Follow Camille on IG: @c4mel.chic4go

Jackie Montanez (she/her)

Jackie Montanez, Late Night Shift, 2024

How or why did you first start making art?
Honestly ever since I was a kid I was always fascinated on how when you scribble or make shapes with the simple slide of a pencil you were able to get creative images. Drawing or just making art was something so relaxing and something that came so natural to me that I don’t remember the first time I ever did art, it was just something that came to me. I especially love how with shading you can create form to anything, or give an illusion to something, or even give feeling to something. There’s a plethora of ways to make art, which makes art so intriguing to me.

Do you plan to continue making art after graduation?
I definitely will make art after graduation, mainly for myself but I would also consider getting into some art opportunities like this one to have fun and see who else likes it :)

What's the most fun part of being an artist?
The most fun is definitely when you have art block, you get a chance to just doodle. Doodling always helps with art block and honestly I prefer doodling than actually doing major art works because it’s just me having fun without having to think of doing something meaningful. To me every doodle is meaningful and it expresses myself more than anything.

Lia Rodriguez (she/her)

A marker and colored pencil drawing of a brown turtle in a blue ocean caught in a green net.

Lia Rodriguez, Turtle in Net, 2024

How or why did you first start making art? I have always made art because my dad is an artist and taught me to make art early in my life. After I began to practice, I found a passion in art and have since continued.

Do you plan to continue making art after graduation?
 I do plan to continue making art after graduation, as a hobby and as a career. I am currently planning to study art education at university, so I will be able to share my passion for art with younger generations, while still being able to make my own art on the side.

What's the most fun part of being an artist?
As an art student I love finding a balance between my style and the style and ideas included in prompts my teachers give me. Although it can be difficult to go outside of my comfort zone, I love learning new techniques and expanding my art.

What's your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
I love the Wicker Park neighborhood because I love all the street art around and I love exploring the shops in the area. I also have a lot of memories in the area because I went to elementary school there.

Follow Lia on IG: @art_and_beesign
Check out Lia's website

Jesse You (he/him)

Jesse You, Dauntless, 2024

How or why did you first start making art?
It was the first hobby I remember picking up as a kid and I stuck with it because I got pretty good at it. I was also a pretty creative kid.

Anything you’d like to share about your piece that was selected for ART on THE MART?
My usual style of art is pretty different from the submitted work but it was still a very fun experience to work with paints and have the opportunity to share this piece.

Do you plan to continue making art after graduation?
I do plan on making more art in the future. I’m thinking maybe tattooing, learning more about painting, or other mediums like ceramics.

What is your biggest inspiration?
I’m inspired a lot by the mood I’m feeling and the atmosphere around me. What inspires me heavily are horror surrealism works from people like Emil Melmoth and Zdzisław Beksiński. I also love the style of SOULS-like video games and the video game Blasphemous.

What's your biggest challenge as an artist?
I often struggle with creative burnout and finding motivation to consistently make art.

What’s the most fun part of being an artist?
Probably the process of creating your thoughts into something real. I also really enjoy the environment of an art classroom where you’re surrounded by other artists and share that connection, while also witnessing very diverse ways of making art.

What's your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
My favorite thing would be the picnics on the hill at Palmisano Park or dinner with my friends at Chinatown Square.

What's your favorite ART on THE MART projection? Why?
My favorite would probably be The Joffrey Ballet just because it’s really fun to look at projected onto a building.

Follow Jesse on IG: